Services / Real estate and contracting

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Real estate and contracting

There are legal consultations that may require exploring the opinion of the law regarding a specific issue that may be the subject of a serious dispute before the judiciary, or a dispute that may occur in the future. Its legal templates sound to individuals their rights.


  1. Preparing and drafting sales, purchase or leasing contracts for real estate entities such as commercial or residential towers and complexes.

  2. Preparing and drafting contracting, construction and implementation contracts, engineering supervision contracts, and contracts for designing centers and buildings in a way that guarantees the protection of the interests of both parties to the contract.

  3. Providing legal opinion on real estate issues, disputes and problems in a way that preserves the rights and interests of the client

  4. Representing the client in disputes related to real estate ownership, real estate contributions, or compensation claims for expropriation for the public benefit. And claiming financial dues or disbursing extracts resulting from contracting contracts with a commercial or governmental entity

  5. Providing legal services

  6. Providing free legal advice

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We have a dedicated team of legal experts and lawyers at the local and international levels who are committed to assisting our clients in achieving their goals and protecting their legal interests.

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