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Litigation and dispute settlement

The field of litigation and dispute settlement requires ethnic expertise and renewed knowledge of clients’ requirements and needs, in order to settle disputes and disputes in the most effective and efficient manner. Therefore, a good reputation and strong relationships with success partners has become a key factor in resolving most disputes and reaching amicable settlements outside the court. This has given Nazaha lawyers and consultants extensive experience in pleading in commercial, civil, administrative, criminal and family cases.

Companies and investment

The “Nazaha” team is dedicated to serving the foreign investor, helping him to establish his companies, and closely monitoring developments in various commercial fields. A work environment that is characterized by rapid change and flexibility to keep pace with contemporary developments.

Consultations and legal studies

There are legal consultations that may require exploring the opinion of the law regarding a specific issue that may be the subject of a serious dispute before the judiciary, or a dispute that may occur in the future. Its legal templates sound to individuals their rights.

Real estate and contracting

There are legal consultations that may require exploring the opinion of the law regarding a specific issue that may be the subject of a serious dispute before the judiciary, or a dispute that may occur in the future. Its legal templates sound to individuals their rights.

Human Resources

Representing the client in labor lawsuits and disputes of all kinds and dealing with labor problems of all kinds resulting from the restructuring of the establishments and their effects on workers, their rights and labor relations

Endowments and wills

The third (non-profit) sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become an influential sector in advancing development. And it has become preoccupied with the thought of many segments due to the spread of the endowment culture in Saudi society, as the endowment is one of the forms of social responsibility that advances towards institutional practice, and the need for legal and legal studies.

family business

The Nazima team serves family businesses and helps them to establish their companies, closely monitor developments in various business areas and meet customer requirements, in a rapidly changing and flexible working environment to keep abreast of contemporary developments.


The estate is: (what a person left after his death in terms of money, right or competence), and the subject of inheritance is: “legacies”, and the division of estates: the fruit and benefit of this knowledge. And the estate, in the sense of “the eye of money,” is of two types: assets that are estimated by weight, measure, or number, such as: gold and silver cash, barley, and coins, and what is not estimated by weight or measure, such as: real estate and loss.

We are honored to visit us

We have a dedicated team of legal experts and lawyers at the local and international levels who are committed to assisting our clients in achieving their goals and protecting their legal interests.

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